This is not what you were expecting

You’ve found yourself in a place you never imagined you’d be – divorced, widowed, heartbroken, career change, out of a job, unsure of your purpose, starting over, transitioning in this later stage of the game.

Or maybe, things are pretty good, and yet, it feels like something’s missing. You need some clarity, some direction, some support. Facing the truth of where we are in life and what we’re struggling with is the first step and takes courage. The good news is that once we acknowledge this truth, we can then make changes.

Well, I can help.

Hi! I’m Kim Klein and my passion is to work with people like you. People who are serious about making positive changes in their lives - who want to see real transformation, People who have possibly forgotten just how remarkable and capable they are. I’m known to be a calming presence, an active listener with a non-judgmental approach. I help my clients use their voice, take risks, set boundaries, and dare to be courageous. I specialize in guiding individuals through life's transitions and helping them unearth their hidden potential, By utilizing my experience in life coaching, health coaching, Feng Shui, and Wabi Sabi, I offer a holistic and inviting approach to personal transformation. Want to take control of your life, regain confidence in yourself, and start building the life you truly desire? I'm here to help.

So, if you're ready, or curious about the benefits of working with a dedicated coach and want to explore how we can collaborate to change your life, let's connect. Our journey together could be the catalyst for profound change – the kind you've been waiting for.

I invite you to join me in a conversation and explore what is possible for you during a free 45-minute introductory coaching session.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs

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Hi! I’m Kim Klein and my passion is to coach people like you, to help guide and support you as you navigate, embrace, and grow through life's changes and challenges.

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There are many different ways we can work together. I offer personalized health coaching programs, life-coaching programs, group coaching programs, self-guided programs, or on an as-needed basis. 



Download Kim's E-Book

How to Accept and Embrace Your Perfectly Imperfect Life


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